European Outlook 2025
- The industrial and logistics market in Romania is witnessing a very dynamic period, with retail, logistics and industrial companies actively looking to expand operations;
- Bucharest remains the dominant sub-market, concentrating ~ 45% of the existing stock of 2.65 mil. sq. m and over 56% (250,000 sq. m) of the new supply announced for 2017 (~ 450,000 sq. m in total);
- Outside Bucharest, top 5 major regional cities in terms of industrial and logistics stock–Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Brasov, Ploiesti and Pitesti -concentrate app. 43% of the existing space;
- The market is very polarized, with three major players (CTP, P3 and WDP) totalling portfolios of approximately 1 million sq. m, representing 40% of the existing stock;
- Throughout the next 12 months, the total stock will reach 3 million sq. m.