Home | Stories | PAIN PLAISIR


01The Challenge
The landlord had promised the tenants that already secured spaces in the project not to bring other food operators. The challenge for our retail team has therefore been to convince the food & beverages operators to waive their request in order to be able to sign new agreements with other food retailers.

02The Solution
We identified a suitable, well known operator to serve both the tenants and the residents of the primary catchment area, i.e., Pain Plaisir artisan bakery, that offers clients fresh bakery and pastry products, made with leaven, mostly local ingredients and raw materials and without food dyes, enhancers or preservatives. The company has created a community around their bakeries which are “close to home” and the idea of bread as the central element of the table, where the entire family gathers.

03The Results
Pain Plaisir set up a strategic location in the Northern part of Bucharest and opened a new area of the city for their customers. Through their new location opened in the J8 Office Park project, developed by Portland Trust, they serve both the tenants of the project and the residents from Bucureștii Noi and several other areas of interest: Dămăroaia, Străulești, Bazilescu Park and the road to Mogoșoaia.



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